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Sinmeowgra starts its own journey within Indonesia Community, by months and years going, the server then start gaining some population amongst local community. With the help & support from the community, Sinmeowgra is still alive until now. Then after two years we begin to struggle and trying to move on and also trying new move to see if we can reach Southeast Asia truly. Why we choose SEA? There's rarely Private Server out there for these region and we wanted to see if we can reach this by providing the lowest latency experience for SEA. Mostly our Servers are hosted in Singapore, otherwise it will be in Indonesia.
Our Servers are mostly hosted in SG, some might be in ID and those are very latency optimized for SEA Region.
The only Private Server in SEA with active Development. Any Server we make using our own MeowCore are active on Development.
Most of the servers are powered by the help and support of the community. We will try to hear your thoughts to improve the server itself, you can make a request within our Discord Server.
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