How To Connect

Connecting to Sinmeowgra's Server is easy as it ever was!

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    Downloading A Client

    If you dont have any 3.3.5a Game Client yet, you can visit this download link: CLIENT DOWNLOAD

    We strongly recommend you to download the designated client using Download Manager to prefent data loss, hence we recommend you to use the free and popular one Free Download Manager, you can download FDM here: https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/download.htm

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    Making An Account

    After you already have the game client, the next thing you can do is Register within Sinmeowgra's Website: Register / Sign Up Page Here

    Notes: Remember to use an active email address!

    After successfully registering and activating your account, you can explore the Account Panel's Features and begin your journey in Sinmeowgra!

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    Game Client Setup

    Remember to note that our server is currently only supporting 3.3.5a Game Client Version. And please avoid to use modified or hacked client, you might get banned permanently by the system

    - First of all, make sure you already have a Sinmeowgra account. If you dont have it yet, you can Register within Sinmeowgra's Website: Register / Sign Up Page Here
    - Open up your Game Client directory, then open up the directory called "Data" then go into the directory called either "enUS" or "enGB". We only support enUS/enGB clients, so make sure to have the correct client.
    - Open up the file called "realmlist.wtf" with a text editor such as Notepad.
    - Erase all text and change it to: set realmlist logon.sinmeowgra.com
    - If you are from outside Indonesia, you might want to check step number 4.

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    Multiple Realm Selection & Realmlist Setup

    [NOTICE] Learn more about duplicating your account setting to another realm and about multiple realm selection here: https://sinmeowgra.com/meownity/posts?id=30

    Sinmeowgra has 2 valid realmlist for you to connect, such as:

    -- set realmlist logon.sinmeowgra.com
    -- set realmlist id-logon.sinmeowgra.com

    What are the difference? the one you see "logon.sinmeowgra.com" is the only valid access to the realm, it mainly connect you to the server directly from Singapore. SEA or other region could use this one.

    Meanwhile "id-logon.sinmeowgra.com" were focused if only you having trouble with the recommended realmlist. This mainly connect you to the server from Indonesia. If you are from Indonesia and your ISP really limit or blocking Singapore connection, you might want to use this.

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    Mengunduh Client

    Jika Anda belum memiliki Client Game 3.3.5a, Anda bisa mengunjungi tautan unduhan berikut: UNDUH CLIENT

    Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk mengunduh client menggunakan Download Manager untuk menghindari kehilangan data. Kami merekomendasikan Free Download Manager yang gratis dan populer. Anda bisa mengunduh FDM di sini: https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/download.htm

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    Membuat Akun

    Setelah Anda memiliki client game, langkah berikutnya adalah mendaftar di situs web Sinmeowgra: Halaman Pendaftaran / Sign Up

    Catatan: Pastikan Anda menggunakan alamat email yang aktif!

    Setelah berhasil mendaftar dan mengaktifkan akun Anda, Anda bisa mengeksplorasi fitur di Panel Akun dan memulai petualangan di Sinmeowgra!

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    Pengaturan Client Game

    Perlu diingat bahwa server kami saat ini hanya mendukung Client Game Versi 3.3.5a. Mohon hindari menggunakan client yang telah dimodifikasi atau di-hack, karena Anda bisa diblokir secara permanen oleh sistem.

    - Pastikan Anda sudah memiliki akun Sinmeowgra. Jika belum, Anda dapat mendaftar di sini: Halaman Pendaftaran / Sign Up
    - Buka folder direktori client game Anda, kemudian buka folder "Data" dan masuk ke folder "enUS" atau "enGB". Kami hanya mendukung client enUS/enGB, jadi pastikan client Anda sesuai.
    - Buka file bernama "realmlist.wtf" menggunakan editor teks seperti Notepad.
    - Hapus semua teks di dalam file tersebut dan ubah menjadi: set realmlist logon.sinmeowgra.com
    - Jika Anda berada di luar Indonesia, silakan cek langkah nomor 4.

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    Pemilihan Realm & Pengaturan Realmlist

    [PENGUMUMAN] Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang menggandakan pengaturan akun Anda untuk realm lain dan pemilihan beberapa realm di sini: https://sinmeowgra.com/meownity/posts?id=30

    Sinmeowgra memiliki 2 realmlist valid untuk Anda gunakan:

    -- set realmlist logon.sinmeowgra.com
    -- set realmlist id-logon.sinmeowgra.com

    Apa perbedaannya? "logon.sinmeowgra.com" adalah akses utama yang menghubungkan Anda langsung ke server dari Singapura. Pengguna SEA atau wilayah lain dapat menggunakan ini.

    Sementara "id-logon.sinmeowgra.com" dirancang jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan realmlist yang direkomendasikan. Ini menghubungkan Anda ke server dari Indonesia. Jika Anda berada di Indonesia dan ISP Anda membatasi atau memblokir koneksi ke Singapura, Anda dapat menggunakan ini.