Greetings player of Sinmeowgra, we are excited to introduce a new leveling and experience gain method to enhance your gameplay experience!
This thing contain downside(nerfs) and also upside(buff)
The experience rate of world's default did not changed! The World Experience rate will apply inside these calculation bellow.
Experience Reduction On Unusual Farming Method (Lower~Higher Levels):
Sinmeowgra Experience Buff Up:
How World Experience Applied?
We hope this new system will provide a more balanced and rewarding experience for all players. Happy leveling!
Considering this as a big changes to GB players, we have adjusted the experience reduction from 90% to 65% and the Minimum Level Treshold for the experience reduction is Enemy's Level - 15, from Enemy's Level - 10.
The Changes only applies to Players that targets or attacking Enemy with higher level within the condition:
"Player's Level < Enemy's Level - 15"
We also adjusting the experience gain for GB Players in an instance, or instance GB Leveling with the condition able to enter the instance and in party group.
The bonus experience calculation will be like this:
"(experience gained + (experience gained * 2)) x world experience rate)"
If you are unsatisfied with the nerf & solution given, the other option will be having your boosted character a permanent dispell on all buffs while doing a Boost in the area that character did not meet the requirement.
Example: A Less than level 68 Character in Northrend will receive that punishment, A less than level 55 Character in Outland will also receive that punishment.
Feel free to discuss this matter here, generate your Meownity account.
Experience Reduction is now REMOVED and REPLACED with Lower Experience Balancer. What does Lower Experience Balancer do?
Because this were a big changes to the GB system, we also adjusting the experience gain for GB Players in an instance, or instance GB Leveling with the condition able to enter the instance and in party group.
The bonus experience calculation will be like this:
"(experience gained + (experience gained * 2)) x world experience rate"
Adjustment to Sinmeowgra Experience Buff Up
The Majority of the player seems does not agree with this.
Any update given on this page has been reverted.
No updates applied.
We hope you enjoy the server, make sure you are not yet boring with the previous experience method. Progression status on Raids will be delayed.