To Get your own slave, here is the newest information:
- You need to be at least level 10 to get 1 Slave Slot
- You need to be at least level 75+ to get 1 more additional Slave Slot
- On An Account, you can only have a maximum of 5 NPC Bots (+1 If you have Meowmium)
Bot Termination [AWARE]
Bot Termination is implemented if one of your Characters (Including your Account) bypasses or is against the New NPC Bots Rule.
Here's the summary:
- If a Character is under Level 75 and has more than 1 Bot
- Finding Exploits to have more than 2 Bot
- Exceed the maximum Account Bot
The action? The bot will be not refunded & removed. You will be noticed via ingame mail & warning too. Yet you will still get it's gear
Please do not use NPC Bots on your rarely-played Character/Account. Let's give some opportunity to the newbies.
Bot Auto Dismiss [AWARE]
- All of Your Bot will be auto dismiss while your Account IS INACTIVE FOR 1.2 DAYS SINCE YOUR LAST ACCOUNT PLAYING!
- Each of your registered bot will expire within 1.8 Days of the owner's playtime
Please note, those two things are triggered in different scenario!