Sinmeowgra WoW is A Progressive World of Warcraft Private Server Located In Asia-Indonesia from TBC to WoTLK
Server Located In Indonesia (JKT)
Developed in Bali, by GDT [email protected]
Sinmeowgra WOTLK
Sinmeowgra is a WoW WOTLK Private Server that runs under a progressive timeline. Any balancements on server rates and other things has been adjusted due to progression status.
x3 Experience Rate, Higher Reputation & Drop Rate, Higher Profession & Skill Rate, Progressive (WOTLK Cluster 2 Now), Enabled Guild of Guilds, Seasonal PVP Leaderboard, And More
Sinmeowgra WOTLK - A Progressive WOTLK Server!
Progressive WOTLK Timeline Prediction
SINMEOWGRA WOTLK got awesome features for you to help you on your warcraft journey.